Death challenges faced: Astrological Analysis
Natal Chart of the Incumbent
In the realm of astrology, particularly K.P. (Krishnamurti Paddhati), understanding the timing of significant life events—such as death—can offer profound insights. When analyzing why someone might die at a certain age, several key astrological factors come into play.
Health Indicators
The condition of the 6th cusp (house of illness) in the natal chart provides valuable insights. His 6th cuspal sub lord is Ketu in the star of Moon signify 1 and 6. Ketu represents unidentified and severe diseases Moon makes it aggravated.
Karmic Influences
K.P. astrology recognizes the impact of karma. The karma emancipates from 9th house and reflected on 10th house. For this native, the 10th cusp sub lord is Venus in the star of Jupiter signify 3, 5, 7, 8 and 10 considered very strong and hence he could make an empire in his lifetime and the same has ended his life too.
Dasa Periods
Unlike Western Astrology, Hindu Astrology utilizes a system of planetary periods called Dasas and Bhuktis. When Dasa indicate a matter the Bhukti decides that matter. He is running the Dasa period by Saturn and Bhukti by Venus. Saturn by virtue planet of longevity and Venus will decide the period of demise. Saturn signifies 1 and Venus signifies 3, 5, 7, 8 and 10. Saturn signifies the individual and Venus signify the maraka(demise) and the karma strongly.
Planetary positions as on 2nd Oct, 2024
Planetary Transits
Generally, transits over key houses in a birth chart can significantly affect life events. Notably, transits over the 1st (self),
4, 8, 12 trigon of death (4th – nadir, 8th – mode of death, and 12th – exit) houses can signal critical periods where health issues arise.
The incumbent was born and his demise took place on Pitru Paksh Amavasaya day with a difference that a node was also present causing eclipse on the last day.
Understanding why someone dies at a particular age through K.P. astrology involves a comprehensive analysis.
In his chart, Saturn dasa signify 9 in transit which is badhaka for Leo ascendant and Venus signifies 4, 7, 10 and 11 all are promoting 9 which is base of his Karma and badhaka. 4 signifies nadir,7 signifies maraka, 10 signifies Karma and 11 promotes 9 badhaka.
Operating period of Saturn(dasha) Venus(bhukti) and Venus(antra) strongly signified his demise.